You, Mrs. Waterford: magnanimous grieving and tragic widow, knew precisely how to respond to such a barbaric token with grand displays of public contempt and defiance. That was a skill from before Gilead that had been left to rot when men took over, but its muscles had not yet atrophied.
But also, you, Serena Joy: stripped of pomp and pretense, knew exactly how to respond to June personally too. Because after so many lost years inexorably intertwined in such a wretched dance, you and June spoke the same primitive language of malicious love, the most predatory and achingly desperate of all. The cat and mouse, cop and robber, coyote and roadrunner, tit for tat, an eye for an eye. You know her, she knows you–intimately–in such a profound way that no man could ever even imagine how consummate an experience it is, nor the depths you are always willing to stoop to in order to make her understand, or to merely communicate with her in the only way you know how.
To be frank, you had thought your gesture was a little romantic too, if you’re honest. Absolutely everything you did that day was for an audience of one.
There were no more childhood trinkets to pick from. Flowers had lost their panache, and how pedestrian mere white roses are when you have a world stage and a frothing pantheon of egotistical ideologues to draw from. Surely your resourcefulness and flair for such internationally-televised drama must count for something?
#ff #i had to put it in my new fic cos i mean... how could i not? #it's one of the only interesting things that happened in 3 seasons #js #this is from a chapter much further into the fic so by the time it is published this will have faded from my tumblr lol
Thinking about my Jon and Sasha agenda again. I just think they are very much kindred spirits, both weird little eye freaks, who understand each other.
So Sasha knows Jon can be her good little kitten, giving him a pretty collar. Knowing sometimes he’s going to scratch and hiss, because it’s all too much, but that’s okay because she’s patient.
Jon curling up with his head in her lap, letting her pet him, because she respects his boundaries when he needs her to.
#softtttt #JS #look I have an agenda to push #I love them so much #kitten jon #my beloved #Sasha should embarrass Jon at all times #because he is her good little kitty #hehe
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I think it is his cheekiness and self assurance! Tbh the way James speaks would be somewhat unfamiliar for Sirius at home too, like I can’t picture Walburga saying ‘blimey’ lmao. Sirius would obviously know the word but I think he was just charmed by how different James was from what he knew, particularly if he didn’t get on with his family or was already starting to grate against their way of life.
I agree that he wasn’t entirely detached from his family yet but like you I always get the feeling that there was already some conflict, and Sirius was generally unhappy at home– which is why the first comment about Slytherin doesn’t make him smile. My hc is that Sirius had argued with Walburga that very day, so he was primed to latch onto the first escape route that presented itself haha.
Sirius was already starting to like James, probably more than he’d liked anyone in his life, and it was confirmation that James felt the same way! Sirius might have believed he was doomed to follow in his family’s footsteps, but the fact that James wanted to be his friend gave him a way out.